Please collect documents from the time of the bridge's construction.
Task ID: #6 over 1 year ago. more_horiz
*No message from Admin_ulysses


As for the Three Arrow Bridge, over the years, many parts from the original construction Over the years, many of the original parts of the Three Arrows Bridge have been lost or replaced with parts that were repaired on short notice.

In reconstructing the bridge, we are trying to restore it to its original state as much as possible.
Unfortunately, however, there are no data or materials available on the bridge.
We need to gather information based on design documents and photographs from that time. Could you please collect the relevant materials? We would appreciate it if you could help us to collect the relevant materials. We would like to have a meeting with the architectural firm and designers based on the information you have gathered.
We would like to have a meeting with architects and designers based on the information you have gathered.

Please contact the following for assistance in gathering information.

Bloom Sussex Town Archives

City Library
City library

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*No message from Larry Burton