

Ulysses Terms of Service

Ulysses Terms of Service

Last modified: April 1, 2023

1. Welcome to Ulysses

Ulysses Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") (hereinafter referred to as "Ulysses"), a company that provides a support platform for challenges and problem solving (hereinafter referred to as "the Service" or "the Site"), is pleased to announce the following terms of use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Use"). The following terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") shall apply to the use of Ulysses (a support platform for challenges and problem-solving) operated by the Company. The following terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions") apply to the use of the Service (the "Service"). By using the Service, you agree to abide by the following legally binding rules and any other rules found on the Site, including Ulysses' Privacy Policy and respective guidelines. These Terms and Conditions may be changed from time to time. Ulysses is a service for your personal, non-commercial use, except as described in Sections 4 and 5 below.

2. Account

You can browse Ulysses without having to go through the account registration process. However, in order to use some of the features of Ulysses, you will need to complete the registration process, select a user name, and set a password. When completing these procedures, you should ensure that all of the information you provide to Ulysses is accurate and complete. Ulysses reserves the right to refuse or cancel a registration if a prospective account registrant falls under any of the following circumstances

  • If all or part of the registration information provided to us is false, erroneous, or omitted.
  • If the user is a minor, an adult ward, a person under curatorship or a person under assistance and has not obtained the consent, etc. of a legal representative, guardian, curator or assistant.
  • User is an Anti-Social Forces, etc. (meaning organized crime groups, organized crime groups, right-wing groups, Anti-Social Forces, etc.; the same shall apply hereinafter), or we determine that User is cooperating or involved in the maintenance, operation or management of Anti-Social Forces, etc. through funding or other means, or is otherwise interacting or involved with Anti-Social Forces, etc.
  • In any other case in which the Company deems registration is not appropriate.

You are responsible for all activities on your account. You are also responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your account by a third party, please contact us at support@ulyssesworld. com

3. Things You Definitely Shouldn’t Do

Ulysses asks its users to always behave in a responsible manner in order to make Ulysses an enjoyable place to participate. The following actions are prohibited on this site

  • Violating the law.
  • Violating the rights of others, violating the law, or breaching contracts or legal obligations to third parties.
  • Lying to others.
  • Posting or posting information that you know to be false, misleading, or inaccurate. Engaging in fraudulent or deceptive conduct.
  • Posting about prohibited products.
  • Posting any material that violates any applicable law, our policies, rules, guidelines, or other regulations.
  • Causing distress to any third party.
  • Any conduct that is threatening, insulting, harassing, defamatory, illegal, obscene, profane, or invasive of privacy.
  • Soliciting funding or setting up funding for the purpose of sending money or collecting money itself, rather than for the purpose of solving issues using the Challenge Tasks or recruiting users to support the Challenge Tasks.
  • Actions to recruit or offer jobs based on the conclusion of an employment contract.
  • Transmitting information regarding heterosexual relationships.
  • Unsolicited Email Distribution of unapproved or unsolicited advertisements, promotions, junk mail, spam, chain letters, etc.
  • Running email lists, listservs, or any other autoresponder feature or spam on the Site.
  • Causing harm to a third party's computer.
  • Transmission of virus software or any other material (code, film, program, etc.) that interferes with the proper functioning of any software, hardware or equipment (whether ours or another company's) on this Site.
  • Abuse of personal information of third parties. When you use Ulysses, you may receive information about other users (name, email address, address, etc.). This information is provided for the purpose of participating in Ulysses projects and its use or abuse for any other purpose is prohibited.
  • Interference with the normal functioning of the Service.
  • Evasion of various measures to ensure the safety of the Service.
  • Unauthorized access to or damage to the Company's or a third party's systems, data, passwords, or other information.
  • Actions that add a load beyond a reasonable level to the systems of the Company or third parties (the Company reserves the right to determine whether or not such actions are reasonable).
  • Use of software, devices, etc. (whether manual or automatic) with functions such as spiders, crawlers, etc. on the Site.
  • Reverse engineering or otherwise analyzing the Service in order to gain access to source code, ideas, or algorithms.
  • Any other activity that the Company deems inappropriate.

4. Definition of Terms in this agreement

The following terms used in this Agreement shall have the meanings set forth below.

  • "Intellectual Property Rights" means copyrights, patents, utility model rights, trademarks, design rights, and other intellectual property rights (including the right to acquire such rights or to apply for registration of such rights).
  • "Challenge" means a specific project, plan, or issue set by a User in the Services.
  • "Task" means a task created for the purpose of seeking assistance from other Users in order to achieve the purpose of a Challenge or a task belonging to a Challenge on the Service.
  • "Task Creator" means a User who sets and creates Tasks and recruits Task Owners who execute Tasks in the Service.
  • "Task Owner" means a User who has applied for and accepted the invitation to execute a Task set or created on the Service.
  • "Funding" means the act of donating or the amount of money donated by a User in support of the purpose or significance of a specific challenge on the Service. Funding will be distributed to Challenge participants after the completion of the Challenge, excluding fees paid by us and our payment providers. Our and our payment providers' fees for Funding are subject to change without prior notice.

5. How Projects Work

Ulysses provides a platform to solicit participants and donations for solving and challenging tasks. When a User launches a Challenge on Ulysses or creates a Task as a Task Creator, he/she is offering conditions to third parties and soliciting them to enter into a contract. When a User submits a Task and is assigned as Task Owner, the User agrees to the terms and conditions offered by the User or Task Creator who launched the Challenge and enters into such contract.

Ulysses is not a party to such agreement. This Agreement is a legally binding agreement between the Users participating in the Challenge (i.e., the User launching the Challenge, the User being a Task Creator, the User being a Task Owner, and the User making a Funding Request). The terms and conditions (T&Cs) applicable to that agreement are as follows

  • User creates Challenges, creates Tasks to support the achievement of the purpose of the Challenge, and invites Task Owners in the manner determined by the Company.
  • The User shall not make any material misrepresentation or misrepresentation of the contents of the Challenge in creating the Challenge. User will also make his or her best efforts to achieve the purpose of the Challenge, and if there are any questions or doubts about its achievement or progress from the Challenge participants (Task Creators, Task Owners, or Funding Users of the Challenge), you will respond to such questions or doubts in good faith and provide explanations as much as possible.
  • When recruiting and applying for Task Owners, Users shall apply for Tasks in accordance with the application guidelines set forth by the Company.
  • When creating a Task, the User shall ensure that the content of the Task does not conflict with any of the prohibited acts set forth above. In the event that the content of a Task is in conflict with these Terms and Conditions, even if the Task Owner and the Task Creator agree, the terms and conditions agreed upon in the Task solicitation and application shall be null and void.
  • If a User submits an application for a solicited Task and is assigned to a Task as Task Owner, the User shall take full responsibility for completing the Task, and shall use reasonable efforts to complete the Task in accordance with the specified contents, conditions for accomplishment, and deadline. In the event that a Task proves to be impossible to accomplish, the User shall honestly and promptly notify the Task Creator of such impossibility.
  • When a User creates a Task as a Task Creator, recruits a Task Owner who will execute the Task, and selects a Task Owner from among the applicants, other Users, the User may not change the Task Owner without reasonable cause, or change the contents, conditions, or deadline of the Task. If Task Owner has no choice but to make a change, Task Creator shall contact the Task Owner at that time, provide a reasonable reason, and ask for his/her consent. If the Task Creator unilaterally implements any of the changes listed on the left without a reasonable reason, the Task Owner may hold the Task Creator legally liable. Pending resolution of any objections, Ulysses reserves the right to take whatever action it deems appropriate in its sole discretion. In addition, Task Creators may be held legally liable for damages to Task Owners if they change Task Owners or delete Tasks after the Task Owner has already started work or expended resources on the Task. Pending resolution of any objections, Ulysses reserves the right to take whatever action it deems appropriate in its sole discretion.
  • When Task Owner receives a Task Creator's request for approval to complete a Task, Task Owner will approve the completion of the Task as soon as possible. If the Task Creator cannot approve a Task as complete, the Task Creator must clearly indicate to the Task Owner a reasonable reason for not doing so.
  • The user who created the challenge may delete or close the created challenge before it is completed. If a user deletes or closes a Challenge before it is completed, and the Challenge already has participants (Task Creator, Task Owner, or Funding User), the user must announce to the participating users the reasonable reason for deleting or closing the Challenge.
  • The user who created the Challenge is obligated to issue a report as a completion report if he/she completes the Challenge. The report must explain that the project has achieved the objectives and completion conditions set from the beginning. If the user who created the Challenge completes the Challenge without achieving the Challenge objectives and completion conditions that the Challenge participant recognized and agreed to, he/she may be subject to legal liability for misrepresentation and damage to the user who funded the Challenge. Pending resolution of the challenge, Ulysses reserves the right to take whatever action it deems appropriate in its sole discretion.

6. How Funding Works

This agreement item will be defined separately when the Funding feature is made available on the Site in the future.

7. Stuff We Don’t Do and Aren’t Responsible For

Ulysses shall not be liable for any damages or losses incurred by the User in connection with the use of the Services. Ulysses does not guarantee the truthfulness of the descriptions of individual Challenge Tasks or the effectiveness of their completion, nor does Ulysses make any warranty as to their value. Ulysses does not supervise the outcome or progress of any Challenge (e.g., whether it is proceeding as planned) and does not endorse any of the content provided to the Site by third parties. User's use of the Ulysses Services shall be deemed to release Ulysses from any and all liability for any disputes, claims, demands for compensation or other claims (whether or not known, anticipated or disclosed by User) arising out of or in connection therewith. any content accessed by the user through the service is accessed by the user at his/her own risk. The User is solely responsible for any damage or loss caused to third parties as a result of such access.

8. Our Fees

No fees are charged for account registration on Ulysses. We (and our payment service partners) will charge a fee only when a user launches a challenge and the challenge is completed and the funded amount is debited. Payment service partner fees may vary based on the user's location.

We will ask the user to confirm and accept the fee amount before we collect the fee. If our commission fee changes, we will announce the change on this website. All or part of the amount funded by the user will be collected through our payment service partners. Each payment service partner is an independent company and Ulysses is not responsible for its services.

You are responsible for payment of any other fees or taxes that you incur when using Ulysses.

9. Other Websites

The Ulysses site may contain links to other companies' sites (for example, Challenge pages, user profiles, or comments may contain links to other companies' sites). If you decide to access other companies' sites, you do so at your own risk. Those sites are not under our control and are not endorsed by us.

Ulysses may work with payment service partners to process payments. When you participate in a Challenge (by launching a Challenge, becoming a Task Creator/Task Owner, or making a Funding), you also agree to the Terms of Service of those payment service partners.

10. Your Intellectual Property

Ulysses does not acquire any rights to the content you provide to us ("Submitted Content"). However, in order for us to operate the Service, we must receive certain licenses from you. When you launch a Challenge, create a Task, or submit a Task, you agree to the following terms and conditions

  • Ulysses may use any Content posted by you. You grant us and third parties acting on our behalf a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free (royalty-free) right to use, exercise and commercialize your Submissions and to exploit copyright, publicity, trademark and database rights worldwide, sublicensable and transferable rights to exploit the rights of the Challenge. In general, Ulysses will only use Submissions to promote the Challenge and to showcase the community on the Site. All factors will be considered before deciding which Challenges to feature on the Site. We may present projects that are receiving more attention due to the publicity that Challenge participants are giving themselves, or projects that we recommend based on your past search terms, browsing history, funding history, other interactions, and cookies that Ulysses collects during your visit to our website. Ulysses may also use the content you submit to us.
  • Ulysses may also edit, translate, or otherwise modify the Submitted Content if it chooses to do so. You grant Ulysses the right to edit, alter, modify, extract, remove or translate your Submissions.
  • The User may not provide content for which he/she does not own the copyright, except with the permission of the rights holder. Unless the User has permission from the rights holder or is otherwise legally authorized to use the content, the User may not provide any Submitted Content that contains content for which a third party owns intellectual property rights or content that is subject to the rights of a third party (further You must grant Ulysses the license rights set forth in this Section).
  • You are solely responsible for any royalties or licenses granted to you for your Submissions. Any royalties or other fees owed to third parties by virtue of your Submissions or by virtue of Ulysses' hosting of your Submissions shall be paid by you.
  • You represent and warrant that our use of your Submissions does not infringe the copyrights or any other rights of any third party. You agree that any use or exploitation of your Submissions by Ulysses or its users in the manner contemplated by this Agreement will not infringe or violate any third party rights, rights of privacy, rights of publicity, copyrights, contract rights, or any other intellectual property or proprietary rights. You are responsible for the content you provide.
  • You are responsible for the content you provide. All information provided to the Site, whether public or private, is the sole responsibility of the individual from whom the submitted content originated.
  • Ulysses is not responsible for any errors in your Submissions and is not responsible for any errors or omissions in any Submissions.

11. Ulysses' Intellectual Property

You agree to respect all copyright and other legal notices, information, and restrictions contained in any content you access through the Site. You agree not to modify, translate, or create derivative works based on the Services.

Ulysses grants you a license to reproduce content from the Service for your personal use only. This license includes both Ulysses' own protected content and user-generated content on the Site (this license is a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license). If you intend to use, reproduce, modify, distribute or store this content for commercial purposes, you must have the prior written permission of Ulysses or other relevant copyright owner. The term "" Commercial Purpose " means that you intend to use, sell, license, rent, loan or otherwise exploit the Content for any manner of commercial exploitation.

12. How We Deal with Copyright Issues

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act lays out a system of legal requirements for dealing with allegations of copyright infringement. Ulysses complies with the DMCA, and we respond to notices of alleged infringement if they comply with the law and the requirements set forth in our Copyright Policy. We reserve the right to delete or disable content alleged to be infringing, and to terminate accounts for repeat infringers. (We do this when appropriate and at our sole discretion.)

13. Deleting Your Account

You may delete your account at any time from the Account Settings page. However, certain information may continue to be stored by Ulysses only if required by law or necessary for legitimate business purposes. All the provisions of these Terms and Conditions will remain in force even after the deletion of your account. This includes our rights to any content already submitted or transmitted to our site. If you would like more information about this matter or would like to request removal of specific content you have created, please contact us at support@ulyssesworld.com. (Please note that in some cases it may not be possible to remove content.)

14. Our Rights

In order to protect the health, order and integrity of the provision and use of the services on this Site, and to ensure that users enjoy using this Site in a safe environment, Ulysses reserves the following rights

  • Ulysses may change the content of the Ulysses Site and Services at any time without notice and without liability.
  • Ulysses reserves the right to determine each User's eligibility to use Ulysses, and Ulysses may impose some restrictions on accounts in limited circumstances. In particular, Ulysses may cancel your account or refuse to provide the Service if you materially or repeatedly violate the Ulysses Terms of Use or any other rules of the Site, including the respective guidelines and rules specified on the Site (in particular, if you are abusing them). Ulysses reserves the right to change the Terms of Use at any time. If these things are prohibited by law in the User's country or region of residence, the User's right to use Ulysses in that region will be revoked.
  • Ulysses reserves the right to withdraw funding for the Challenge at any time and for any reason.
  • Ulysses may refuse, cancel, suspend or terminate the Challenge at any time and for any reason.
  • Ulysses reserves the right to withhold funds to comply with laws and regulations.
  • Ulysses will not be liable for any damages arising from these actions or measures.

15. Warranty Disclaimer

Users use our services at their own risk. the services are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.

Ulysses hereby expressly disclaims all warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, and fitness for a particular purpose, and any implied warranties arising from course of dealing, course of performance, or usage of trade. No advice or information (whether written or oral) obtained by you from Ulysses shall form the basis of any warranty.

16. Indemnification

If you do something that gets us sued, or break any of the promises you make in this agreement, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us harmless from all liabilities, claims, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and other legal costs) that arise from or relate to your use or misuse of Ulysses. We reserve the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to this indemnification clause, in which case you agree that you’ll cooperate and help us in asserting any defenses.

As part of this, by accepting these Terms of Use, you consent to service of process for any action that could be brought against Ulysses, for any reason.

17. Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, in no event will Ulysses, its directors, employees, partners, suppliers, or content providers be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, consequential, special, or exemplary damages of any kind, including but not limited to damages (i) resulting from your access to, use of, or inability to access or use the Services; (ii) for any lost profits, data loss, or cost of procurement or substitute goods or services; or (iii) for any conduct of content of any third party on the Site. In no event shall Ulysses’ liability for direct damages be in excess of (in the aggregate) one hundred U.S. dollars ($100.00).

18. Dispute Resolution and Governing Law

We at Ulysses encourage you to contact us if you’re having an issue before resorting to the courts. Our Ulysses support team is on hand and ready to answer your questions. You can email support@ulyssesworld.com so that one of our support team agents can personally reply to you and attempt to resolve your issue. These resources are easily accessible and free.

In the unfortunate situation where legal action does arise, these Terms of Use (and any other rules, policies, or guidelines) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan, and if any dispute arises regarding these Terms of Use, the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance. Ulysses and its services and website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws, and excluding the Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and Ulysses and its services and website shall not be subject to the general or special jurisdiction of any court of competent jurisdiction over Ulysses and its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, assignees, employees, directors, officers or shareholders. Ulysses and its services and website are passive websites and you agree that Ulysses and its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, employees, directors, officers or shareholders shall not be subject to jurisdiction in any jurisdiction outside of Japan, including without limitation, general or special jurisdiction, and you hereby consent to any such jurisdiction. You agree that any action at law or in equity arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use or your use or non-use of Ulysses may be brought only in the Tokyo District Court of Japan and that no such action, claim or proceeding shall be brought in any other court. User agrees and consents to the personal jurisdiction of such courts to hear such actions. User irrevocably waives any right to a jury trial in any dispute.

In addition, where permitted by applicable law, User and Ulysses agree that each may file claims against the other only in its individual capacity and shall not file claims as a plaintiff or class member in any class or representative action for any purpose. No arbitrator or judge may consolidate the claims of more than one person or otherwise proceed with any form of representative or class action unless both you and Ulysses agree.

19. The Rest

These Terms and the other material referenced in them are the entire agreement between you and Ulysses with respect to the Services. They supersede all other communications and proposals (whether oral, written, or electronic) between you and Ulysses with respect to the Services and govern our future relationship. If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid under the law, that provision will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that the Terms otherwise will remain in full force and effect and enforceable. The failure of either you or Ulysses to exercise any right provided for in these Terms in any way won’t be deemed a waiver of any other rights.

These Terms are personal to you. You can’t assign them, transfer them, or sublicense them unless you get Ulysses’ prior written consent. Ulysses has the right to assign, transfer, or delegate any of its rights and obligations under these Terms without your consent. Ulysses will provide you notice via email, written notice, or by conspicuously posting the notice on our Site.